
Magic birthday morning coffee!

It's my birthday!
I normally wouldn't really care that much or advertise it like this but today marks a big one - the big 3-0! And I'm just excited about it all!

I'm starting celebrations early with Bailey's in my coffee. Who's gonna stop me? I'm thirty, after all, so now I answer to no one! HA!

Looking forward to a great, low key kind of day. I want to do brunch, and a long bike ride with friends. And I'm having a joint celebration tonight with an awesome friend who has her birthday tomorrow. We'll be filling the world's cutest little French cafe, likely donning horrendous French accents, and swilling vino while quaffing crepes. Sweet!

I hope everyone is having a great day, too! Especially Elvis Costello and Boy George who also celebrate their respective births today. Go, go gemini power!


  1. Hope you have a great birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday from the land of LOMAH!

  3. Hey - just got back from Spain! Happy Birthday!!!!
